7. Fights in prison.

  Beginning: My first night in prison. Brotherly hut. 

 First week on the Central flew to me quietly. During this time in the hut “friendly family of the prisoner on lads” every day among themselves to sort things out. A couple of times and I clashed with a Gypsy, one of the scandals almost brought me to a fight. 

   It happened immediately on the second day of my stay in prison.

   Waking up at 8 am, I found that all the women in the cell are still asleep. Going into the bathroom, I saw that Natasha-Armenian did not Unscrew the shower hose. Hot water was good and so I decided to swim. I’ll tell you what is absolutely terrible and uncomfortable over the toilet to wash my head, but there was no choice.

   And so, I would love to bathe for fifteen minutes, suddenly lifted up your (iron door with a peephole – at the opening rumble is such that a dead lift) and a menacing man cry:

   “Women, what are you doing? You have now sunk lower beneath you camera BS-nicknames. And they are now going to remove the TV!”

   At that moment, the bathroom door swung open and a man in prison uniform stared dumbfoundedly at me.

   And I’ll scream at the whole prison!

   He slammed the door shut in fright and said::

   “Women, you didn’t tell that there is someone there? When did you get a new girl? She wasn’t here yesterday?”

   The frightened voice of the Gypsy was heard:

   “Viktorovich, it was brought at night. You forgive us, do not scold.”

   “Okay, quickly collect the water in the toilet and wipe dry before the other wardens come! And remove the shower hose, but will otstayut!”

   I quickly got dressed and left the toilet, the man just at this moment closed the reservation. Natasha is a Gypsy woman was hysterically yelling at me:

   “Do you know what you’ve done? Now because of you we can take away the shower and we will lose the minimum amenities! Can you imagine how hard it is for a prison to “tighten” the shower hose?”

   I was confused and said,:

   “Girls, will you excuse me for that show. But I the first time in life accept souls in such conditions, over toilet bowl! Yesterday afternoon, when I was still in the IVS, I was taken to the shower room, where there was a shower stall. Maybe here somewhere is a special room for taking a shower?”

   The Gypsy continued to yell:

   “There are no showers here!”

   At this moment, the armored door again rattled, on the threshold of which the same man in uniform appeared and said in a strict tone:

   “Your screams can be heard throughout the prison! If you want to get in trouble and move to the Shu, I’ll arrange it for you now!”

   All this he said, looking at the Gypsy.

   “Viktorovich, excuse us. We’ll sit like mice!”a smile ran up to him, Masha-Ukrainian.

   The warden turned and left.

   Natasha-Armenian rushed to the toilet, jumped out with a hose, climbed under the rack and hid it in her bag.

   Another Natasha-blonde, wearing rubber gloves and collected a rag of water in a bucket.

   “Protein give a brand new rag, let alone be in a collects the water!”the Gypsy growled.

   “Natasha, enough already! Give it a go! We themselves to blame, not explained it yesterday, that about water pipes loophole to BS-nikam goes.”- said Natasha-Protein pleasant voice.

   Masha-khokhlushka came up to me and said::

   “Not upset. The first two months in prison are the hardest. Then you fit in and you know what and how. I’ve been here almost a year.”

   “But I’m not here for two months! Next week, the court of appeal will find out that I was illegally arrested and put in jail!”I said categorically.

   “All of us here so thought that the appellate court will understand! But as a result, we’re still here! Believe me, we will celebrate the approaching New year together!”- sadly said Masha.

   But I was sure of the opposite. Looking at these women, I wondered how they got used to the prison cell. Everyone seemed to be satisfied with this situation, none of them wrote any applications to the court, did not fight for their release. “Apparently, they are real criminals and understand that they are waiting for a guilty verdict” – so I thought, watching the cellmates.

   The next two days a Gypsy if “Cerberus” guarding dryness in toilet room. Every prisoner who went to take a shower “gave a parting word.” They learned how to bathe and dry themselves after the water on the floor than all bothered. But all was silent and no one dared to her to snap.

   My patience ran out on the fourth night in prison. It turned out so:

   When after taking a shower I came out of the bathroom, Gypsy jumped from his rack and ran into the toilet.

   “Darling, go back and wipe the floors better! There are pools of water” – I heard behind my back.

   And then I exploded.:

   “First, “darling” will call their girlfriends, and to me please call by name or even forget about my existence here! You understand me? Secondly, I wiped myself after water is better than the previous one in front of me the bather! Still, I didn’t tell you you wiped the floor like shit! Thirdly, who are you here is this, that every to order how and what to do? If you’re a toilet-sitter, get over there and sleep on the toilet!”

   My scream was clearly heard all over the floor, because at the moment when the Gypsy was going to pounce on me with his fists, and I began to take a comfortable defensive position between the rack, opened the armored door and ran into the cell three jailers.

   “Girls, what’s going on? boomed woman in men’s costume supervisor. – Why is the scream from your cell heard throughout the prison? Masha, tell me!”she said to Masha-Ukrainian.

   “Yes, here, again, Natasha arranges another scandals in the camera!”with joy in her voice said hohlushka.

   “It is clear, now I will talk to each of you separately!”the warden said in a man’s suit and looked around at every woman in the cell except me.

   “You’re new here, so try to listen to the old-timers of the camera! But offense, of course, we must not allow ourselves to give. Is there anything you want to tell me in private?”she turned to me.

   “No, I have nothing to say to You alone.”I said in surprise, not knowing who the jailer was.

   The matron looked at me intently, as if she were evaluating me. Then say:

   “I learned from the transfer room that your relatives do not accept bed linen, because it does not meet the requirements for the pre-trial detention center. I’ll get You two new sheets. If You need any of the necessary supplies, you can contact me. I run the economic section of the prison. And girls, let us to live small! You’re all in the same position here.”

   After the jailer left, trailing by one introduced to the discussion to the matron: Mary-khokhlushka Natasha-Gypsy and Natasha-Squirrel. Each of them came with different emotions on his face: khokhlushka glowed with happiness, a Gypsy in mourning, and the Squirrel was confused.

   The next day there were changes in the cell: during the day the Squirrel was transferred to another cell. I went down to the bottom rack of the Squirrel, which was near the window.

   In the evening transferred from another cell to us a woman convicted of 158 of the criminal code (for stealing an expensive phone, but at the moment she was arrested for violations of the PAROLE). After midnight the guard said to Lucy collected all his belongings, as at 6 in the morning goes on “stage” (colony).

   Rearrangements in the cell was most saddened Gypsy, as she became friends with Lucy and squirrel, the three of them “table”.

   Lyuska was taken “to the stage” only in the afternoon.

   Natasha-Armenian woman immediately moved to Lyuska the bunk because she was closer to the TV. Shkonka was next to the Gypsy and she did not hide her discontent from the neighborhood with the Armenian.

   A new cellmate-thief, who was also called Natasha, moved to the rack of the Armenian woman, being next to me.

   At that moment, I didn’t care who was sleeping next to me in the neighborhood, because I was sure that from next week, after the court of appeal, I would already sleep at home.

   That at the end of next week comes the New year persuaded myself not to think.

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Continuation: How to celebrate New year in prison 

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5 thoughts on “7. Fights in prison.

  1. Анзор

    Бедные девочки, какие ужасы выпали на вашу жизнь! Живите, а гадин раздавит карательный перс судьбы.

  2. Реалист.

    Просто так ни одна заваруха на централе не происходит-только с подачи из вне! К примеру: следак знает что человек невиновен, но он уже за это потратил премию на покупку нового кроссовера, поэтому через тюремных работяг приказ – отработать невиновного до такой степени, чтобы он согласился взять на себя вину и ему будут после этого поблажки в тюрьме… либо если не согласен, то его так и будут насиловать кипятильником до конца тюремного срока или его суицида в тюрьме…

  3. borrodа

    зверства, унижения, прессование : ну и что это за перевоспитание? это как разтаки посев или рассадник по выращиванию новых убийц

  4. Сила вне конфликтов

    Когда мы думаем о женской драке или физическом столкновении, важно помнить, что насилие не определяет силу или ценность женщины. Давайте изменим направление повествования и исследуем важность расширения прав и возможностей женщин помимо участия в конфликтах.
    Истинная сила заключается не в умении нанести удар, а в способности постоять за себя и других, выступать за справедливость и равенство и создавать позитивные изменения в мире. Женщины могут быть могущественными защитниками, лидерами и выразителями важных идей.

    Расширение прав и возможностей происходит благодаря построению здоровых отношений, воспитанию эмоционального интеллекта и развитию навыков эффективного общения. Оценивая эти области и инвестируя в них, женщины могут разрешать конфликты, не прибегая к насилию, способствуя созданию более мирного и поддерживающего общества.

    Важно помнить, что женщины определяются не по их способности вступать в физические стычки. Наша ценность заключается в наших разнообразных талантах, увлечениях и вкладе в развитие мира. Давайте отпразднуем достижения, интеллектуальный рост и качества, которые позволяют женщинам полностью раскрыть свой потенциал.

    Вместе мы можем работать над созданием общества, в котором ценятся уважение, сопереживание и сотрудничество. Давайте сосредоточимся на расширении прав и возможностей женщин в таких областях, как образование, карьерный рост, лидерство и личностное развитие, направляя их силы и потенциал на позитивные начинания.

    Итак, вместо того, чтобы подчеркивать или прославлять женскую драку, давайте перенесем повествование на расширение прав и возможностей женщин быть лучшими версиями самих себя во всех аспектах жизни. Вместе мы можем создать мир, в котором сила женщин признается, прославляется и используется для общего блага.

  5. Heнет

    Женщины прошли долгий путь в преодолении социальных барьеров, преодолении стереотипов и достижении значительных успехов в различных сферах жизни. Наша ценность определяется не физическими столкновениями, а скорее нашим интеллектом, навыками, достижениями и характером.

    🔹 Вместо прославления или поощрения драк между женщинами важно создавать среду, способствующую сотрудничеству, состраданию и разрешению конфликтов. Таким образом, мы можем дать женщинам возможность использовать свою силу более позитивным и продуктивным образом.

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