The vile jailer behaved defiantly, like a master over the fate of prisoners: – Last name, first name, patronymic, place and position of work? he turned to me with contempt. Having given my details and place of work, in addition to the position of director, I also informed this insignificant lord of the prison that…
тюремные истории
Дневники, истории, исповеди арестантов и арестанток. Открыта публикация историй от арестанток и арестантов. Свои исповедь или рассказ вы можете оставить в комментариях под данной статьёй. После проверки модератором история о тюрьме и зоне будет опубликована отдельным постом. История должна быть на реальных событиях, данные автора могут быть под псевдонимом, а имена,…
7. Fights in prison.
Beginning: My first night in prison. Brotherly hut. First week on the Central flew to me quietly. During this time in the hut “friendly family of the prisoner on lads” every day among themselves to sort things out. A couple of times and I clashed with a Gypsy, one of the scandals almost brought…
14. A search of a prison cell.
Beginning: How to celebrate New year in prison The morning of the first of January was marred by shakedown (search) in the chamber. Ten jailers turned over mattresses, threw out all things from bedside tables and tables. Even ripped off in some places linoleum. The seven of us with our bags brought to…
Тorture chamber
Women activists in women’s prison. Recently accidentally came across a page of a former activist. On the page she has written a great article that despises the movement of the prisoners that it was “the bottom of things.” I smiled and therefore, I decided to write a separate post about these women. …
Prison in prison.
Prison in prison. From “Women of the Quichua”. It’s the third day I’ve been with a prison nail the size of a 100. Me and my nail keep all the jailers away from me. With the “nail” I was sure that now NO ONE is RAPING ME IN PRISON! Probably,…
86. Birthday party in prison.
Beginning: The sky in a cage, the prisoner with a stripe. “…with this warden we were friendly, if in a similar situation it is possible to apply this word. Such people appear unexpectedly, help you at the most critical moment, and then disappear from your life forever. And you will never know who they are…
85. Prisoners with a stripe.
Beginning: When the prisoner is faced with a difficult choice. Some “wise men” 12-13 centuries, in his own interpretation of the biblical record: “double clothing – the decoration of the dark forces.” In the documentary sources of the time said that the stripes I put Satan and his followers. At the same time, from…
84. Blackmail in prison.
Beginning: The final stretch before the sentence is the most naive and dangerous time for the prisoner. The prison stood still for a few hours, not a single prisoner’s movement was heard. Only Podolak corps patter of the feet of the captors, was ringing keychain, rattled doors. He walked around the prison – “Bear”…
78. Autumn processing of prisoners.
Beginning: Drugs in bread and post-launch meeting. In a few days “I flew a kite with Kichi”. Vasek thanked me for congratulations on his birthday and admitted that when he read my soulful malyava, he shed tears. Yes, even brave and desperate prisoners can cry, because they do not have such a stale soul…