Exercises for the chest.

I offer you 5 exercises that will make your Breasts beautiful and toned!

Ideally, it is better to do training daily, then the result will be noticeable in 2 weeks, but you can also do it 3 times a week.

So, these exercises are done without a special exercise, instead of dumbbells, you can use 1.5 liter bottles of water.

The first week of the exercise is repeated up to 10 times, then increase to 15 times. Push-UPS from the wall: 1 week to 20 times, then increase to 50 times! To avoid injuries and muscle pain – increase physical activity gradually!

Rest between exercises from 30 to 90 seconds!

Exercise # 1 – # 3

push-UPS from the WALL.

Three exercises – change only the position of the hands.

# 1

Step back from the wall 1 step,
Legs shoulder-width apart,
Belly tucked in, back straight,
Place your hands wide on the wall,
the fingers of your right hand facing the fingers of your left hand,
Bend your elbows, spreading them apart,
Bring the body closer to the wall, touch the wall with your forehead,
Calculate up to 3x,
Return to the starting position.
Repeat 20-50 times.
To complicate the exercise: increase the speed of push – UPS, step back from the wall by 2 steps

# 2

during the second push-up exercise from the wall-change the position of the palms!

the Fingers look at the ceiling!

the technique of performing push-UPS is the same as in the 1st version.

Repeat push-UPS 20-50 times.

# 3.

During the third exercise push – UPS from the wall- also change the palms.

The fingers of the hands look to the sides.

Technique for performing the exercise, as in option 1.

Repeat push-UPS 20-50 times.

The fourth and fifth exercises are lying on your back, using dumbbells or water bottles.

Exercise # 4 – the FLIGHT.

Lie on the floor, legs bent, dumbbells in your hands.
Belly retracted, lower back pressed into the floor.
Stretch your arms out in front of you, elbows slightly bent, palms inward, dumbbells touching.
Slowly spread your arms to the sides, half-bent elbows do not touch the floor,
Fix the position for 3 seconds,
Hands up to the starting position.
Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise # 5 – ARC.

Lie on the floor, legs bent, dumbbells in your hands.
Belly retracted, lower back pressed into the floor.
Arms out in front of you, elbows slightly bent, dumbbells touching.
Put your hands with dumbbells behind your head and touch the floor with them – making an arc,
Lock the position for 3 seconds,
Draw the dumbbell arc in the opposite direction, returning to the starting position.
Repeat 10-15 times.

Listen to your body! If you find it difficult to perform the exercise 10-20 times, choose a light amount.

Don’t be afraid to experiment – training should be fun!

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