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7. Fights in prison.
Beginning: My first night in prison. Brotherly hut. First week on the Central flew to me quietly. During this time in the hut “friendly family of the prisoner on lads” every day among themselves to sort things out. A couple of times and I clashed with a Gypsy, one of the scandals almost brought…
8. New Year’s Eve in Prison
Beginning: The composition of the house №190 The prison showdown in women part 1. Or my first week in prison. The morning of December 31 was terrible for me. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I saw swollen and red eyes. Over the past three days I cried so many tears that the…
14. A search of a prison cell.
Beginning: How to celebrate New year in prison The morning of the first of January was marred by shakedown (search) in the chamber. Ten jailers turned over mattresses, threw out all things from bedside tables and tables. Even ripped off in some places linoleum. The seven of us with our bags brought to…
15. Christmas in prison.
Beginning: Shakedown in the house. Christmas morning. The week after the first “shmon” (search) flew by instantly. On the second of January Masha-khokhlushka instead of a punishment cell was brought to conversation to the main warden on female prison. Returning, she reported that “punishment cell” on repair and she was given chance to…
Тorture chamber
Women activists in women’s prison. Recently accidentally came across a page of a former activist. On the page she has written a great article that despises the movement of the prisoners that it was “the bottom of things.” I smiled and therefore, I decided to write a separate post about these women. …
86. Birthday party in prison.
Beginning: The sky in a cage, the prisoner with a stripe. “…with this warden we were friendly, if in a similar situation it is possible to apply this word. Such people appear unexpectedly, help you at the most critical moment, and then disappear from your life forever. And you will never know who they are…
80. Last meeting with prisoner.
Beginning: Mass cold torture. Another Friday’s court hearing. Somehow my judge most of my court sessions, appoints on Friday. Each person has a different attitude to the day of Friday, for someone this day – “Friday-slut” for someone – the last working day, for someone – “drinking day” for someone “Friday” – a friend…
78. Autumn processing of prisoners.
Beginning: Drugs in bread and post-launch meeting. In a few days “I flew a kite with Kichi”. Vasek thanked me for congratulations on his birthday and admitted that when he read my soulful malyava, he shed tears. Yes, even brave and desperate prisoners can cry, because they do not have such a stale soul…
74. Prison ban.
Beginning: Purchase a ban. Once in prison, we understand how on the loose stupidly spent their earned money on fashionable and unnecessary trinkets, chasing new products from gadgets. Here, in prison, a mobile phone is valuable-a flashlight, having which you already become significant in your eyes. On behalf of the prisoners and their…