ФСИН обещает конвоировать осужденных в современных комфортабельных спецвагонах, для этого вводят в эксплуатацию 12 новых спецвагонов. Читать здесь: Спецвагон для арестантов. Источник фотографий: ФСИН РФ. Читать: 1. Этап в женскую зону…
Prisoners phase
You can’t stand the zone. There’s no one there to protect you. Zechki you there in the first week will work at once. So think about it for four days, until my next shift. It’s better if you finish your rest in prison. And while you’re on the psychotropics, you won’t be taken to the zone and sent to the punishment cell. They make you sleep all the time? I’m using the duty room, find out the day of arrival of the psychiatrist and all will enter in your card. This week get some sleep, if need a quiet camera, that can translate into a sick-chamber…
Подробные статьи ⬇️
1. The road to the women’s camp
In the early June morning, when free people see their dreams, two paddy wagons at high speed raced along the back country roads. We were transported from the transit prison to the women’s zone. At four o’clock in the morning in the yard of a transit prison in one of the paddy wagons,…