71. Equip a VIP camera.

   Beginning: Expert testimony and the thieves ‘ road. 

  When I was transferred to a solitary cell, every day I felt as if I was pulled out of a pit where I was with poisonous snakes.

   Yesterday, after the trial, I “shot the road”, at night from Adam “flew the phone”, and I talked for a long time with my son.

   A few days ago, after a date, my son sent me a parcel with a radio, fan, kettle, books and magazines. Today is the day when the prison issue parcels, so in the morning I was waiting impatiently, when it will be the hour of issuance.

   For a morning walk, I was taken back to the exercise yard. Now, I didn’t find prison walks boring. Every morning, I take pleasure in sports. After the walk was reinforced prison Breakfast – gruel. I could only hope that they were feeding me “not for slaughter.”

   All these days I was haunted by the conversation with the Governor of the prison and overheard me scraps of phrases jailers about my mysterious intercessor – “Bear”. Secretly, I dreamed that they found the handsome Colonel from the Council, which has already crossed a few times. Despite my age, deep down I felt like a romantic young lady.

   After a hearty Breakfast of porridge, boiled egg, five tablespoons of cottage cheese and hot coffee, I began to clean my cell. Not having to half to clean the floor, as it opened reservation, and “longitudinal” Alia had called me to himself.

   “Do you have a big bag? Take it with you and let’s go, I’ll take you to receive the parcel.”she told me.

   I was so happy I dumped all my things on the bed of a large package and almost skipping followed longitudinal. We went down to the lower floor and went to the office – “operatic”. The room was littered with parcels, and there were two female supervisors. Both were very nice women and always gave out absolutely everything from parcels.

   Reminding them of her last name, one of the guards pulled out of a huge pile of parcels my, as always a huge box. When the controller opened the box, I realized that in one package the contents of the parcel will not fit. The women put the contents on two tables, rechecking everything.

   “And the chief allowed You a radio, a kettle, a fan?”one of the supervisors asked.

   “Yes, I did. I am now in solitary confinement there, and Vasilisa took out my camera, radio and a fan, said on behalf of the chief to see my relatives it was sent to me.”I answered convincingly.

   “Then we now on equipment will make the act that accepted on a warehouse, and then we will put on balance of prison. You were told that any equipment remains in prison, as a gift from Your relatives?”one of the jailers asked.

   “Of course, explained. Make it as it should be. Will You give me the radio today? I said.

   «Even now. But if the Council comes today or tomorrow, please put it in your bags until Monday. But the boxes from the parcels we are forbidden to issue, so You have to carry more empty packages.”the controller replied.

   I quickly put in a package of radio, kettle and some food, took the fan in his free hand and went to the cell, accompanied by the convoy. Entering, I left content and not think anything else, he took with him an empty pyatidesyatimetrovy plastic water tank and went for the longitudinal for the rest of the contents of the parcel. The controllers laughed to see me with a tank.

   “This red tank is like a sack of Santa Claus.”- good-naturedly said longitudinal.

   When the tank was fully loaded with a slide, I realized that I did the right thing, that took the tank, not another package. Leaving on the table only a chocolate “Alpen gold cappuccino” and a pack of cigarettes, I happily carried the tank into his cell.

   Only, I had to go into the camera like a window, the cry of the prisoners:

   “With the roads full flow! With the roads full flow! One, nine, five, give me the escort!»

   I ran to the window and carefully began to unwind the coil with the “escort”, at the other end of the nylon thread prisoners filmed my way.

   As soon as we took off the road, I began to rush around the camera and hide under my rack a package with a kettle, a radio and a fan. Quickly made the bed “white”, began to disassemble the tank with food. Most of the food was in unpacked packages, which is prohibited in prison, so as not to let the inspectors-parcel, I had to open everything and shove on the shelves. But most of the food had to be hidden under the bed.

   Continuing to rush at the camera, quickly gomila floors and put away the broom, MOP, bucket, basins and rags. Everything in the chamber was the order.

   On the floor was not yet heard the voices of the inspectors, so I decided to dress up and make up. She wore one of the dresses she wore to court. Brightly painted eyes and lips, combed. And at that moment, the armored door opened, a group of men in GUFSIN uniform burst into the cell, accompanied by their tense prison chief. I was frightened and confused by their sudden appearance, because they silently approached my cell.

   Four tall men were examining my cell, examining the shelves in the cupboard. Also opened the lid of the tank from under the water and looked into it. I was shaking with fear, I expected that one of them now had to get under my rack.

   “Why is the tank empty and no water in it?”one of the inspectors asked me.

   All the inspectors looked at me attentively and waited for an answer.

   “Didn’t manage to score. Every day after cleaning in the cell I collect water in it. Now only the floors have domela, you see, even the linoleum is wet even.”I said hesitantly, avoiding looking at the warden, who for some reason was looking at me very menacingly.

   “Why is this prisoner in solitary?”another inspector asked the warden sternly.

   “The owner of the prison” at this moment nervously twitched, apparently he did not like the tone of the inspector.

   “It is the order of the chief of GUFSIN, after the statement of the prisoner on its maintenance in a solitary confinement. the warden replied in a dissatisfied tone.

   But the inspector, for some apparent reason, was not satisfied with this answer.

   “And why You wrote the application for the maintenance in a solitary confinement, only after several months of stay in prison?”- the inspector menacingly addressed me.

   I looked at the warden’s frightened and white face and answered without hesitation.:

   “I am already nine months in prison on false statements and on the criminal case fabricated against me. Me, the Director and the founder of the organization accuse that I four in turn caused heavy injuries. All this because of the competitive and dishonorable war! The investigator threatened me even before initiation of legal proceedings and demanded that I took away the statement from police about raider capture. Later, through his friend the judge, they put me here in jail, promising that here with me will get even. I am very grateful to the chief of the GUFSIN and the chief of the prison that they satisfied my application for solitary confinement, because I am not socially adapted to live in the same room with drug addicts and lesbians. And You, I think, should be aware that almost every female cell contains drug addicts.»

   As I spoke my tirade, I stared into the eyes of this meticulous examiner. I noticed his displeased expression when I spoke of the investigator’s threats. And when I finished my speech and looked at the warden, I saw his delighted and satisfied face.

   “Aren’t You bored here alone?”another inspector asked me.

   “Absolutely not boring. You see, I have three volumes of documents on my case on my Desk that I was given in court yesterday. Then, as should have been acquainted seven months ago. Now I have to study all this and read it before the next meeting. The only thing I’d like to ask the warden for is permission to have a radio and a fan in my cell. I replied.

   “Management doesn’t forbid to have in cameras of radio and fans, but it if Your relatives send You a parcel.”the inspector replied.

   “Of course, I allow you to have it all in the cell. Tell your relatives and have them send you away. Your son, if I’m not mistaken, goes out with You every week.”said the warden.

   After that, the entire delegation walked out of the chamber, and I was relieved sat on the bed.

   Before I could relax, the armored door opened again and only the warden entered the cell. His face was very pleased. He brazenly looked me up and down and asked cheerfully:

   “You want me to order you a triple portion of the fed? Why aren’t you getting better? He became skinny like a dried fish!»

   “So I’m only a week in a relaxed atmosphere. And so something, all on nerves. Yes, and lawlessness in court. I thought that this judge decent and quickly will release me, and he pulls everything, it is not clear that conceived. He plays like a cat with a mouse. I replied.

   “And can doesn’t want to leave you? When is he going to get another criminal like that? You’ve never thought of judges and jailers as people before, have you? the warden asked cheerfully.

   “Everyone knows that there are dishonest judges among them. And with the jailers I have to cross never had. I said hesitantly, embarrassed under the inquisitive gaze of the chief jailer.

   «Clearly. So, what were you doing in jail today with a red tank going back and forth? Even under the video camera GUFSIN. The duty on the floor, too, will receive, came up with a red tank, like a red rag in front of a bull!”the boss asked with displeasure.

   I didn’t know what to say, but I felt that my face and even my ears were the same color as buck’s.

   “Please, just do not scold the longitudinal. Not her fault. Just, I didn’t have a bag to get the contents of the parcel. So I decided not to go several times with one package back and forth, decided to save time. I replied.

“She’s crazy. She’s mine.
Dancing until morning. Sings Sha-La-La-La-La.
Madwoman. She’s mine.
Dancing until morning. Sings Sha-La-La-La-La…

  I closed my eyes and imagined that I was free, driving around the city in my car and listening to my favorite radio and this song.

   Continuation: Victorious resistance to the hated jailer. 

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4 thoughts on “71. Equip a VIP camera.

  1. Ахмед

    Да какбы не была шикарно обставлена хата, тюрьма она и есть тюрьма!

  2. Лана

    Андроиды, планшеты однозначно нужны арестантам! Важно найти баланс между безопасностью и возможностью общения. Контролируемый и ограниченный доступ к мобильным телефонам, с учетом безопасности, может способствовать реабилитации и улучшению поведения заключенных.

  3. Тамара

    ❤️ В конечном счете, мы должны помнить, что заключенные — это люди, которые сталкиваются с трудностями и испытаниями. Благополучие и реабилитация заключенных должны быть в центре внимания. Обеспечение связи с семьей и возможностей для образования и социальной реадаптации может помочь им изменить свою жизнь.

    💪 Всеобщее участие и диалог между всеми заинтересованными сторонами, включая учреждения правопорядка, заключенных и общество в целом, могут способствовать нахождению решений и подходов к использованию телефонов в тюремной среде.

    Давайте работать вместе, чтобы найти пути реабилитации и развития заключенных, обеспечивая безопасность при использовании мобильных телефонов. В конечном итоге, создание условий для положительных изменений и поддержка заключенных помогут им вернуться в общество как полноценные и ответственные граждане.

  4. Кирилл

    В многих странах разработаны программы контролируемого доступа к телефонам, которые позволяют заключенным общаться, но одновременно устанавливают ограничения и меры безопасности. Такие программы могут включать блокировку нежелательных контактов и контроль сообщений, что помогает предотвращать негативные последствия.

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