Start reading: Intrigue in a non-Smoking cell On the eve of the next court session, me and the pregnant prisoner were taken to the prison hospital. I went to the next fluorogram: in prison it is done every six months, while at liberty once a year. Many prisoners are indignant, consider that it is…
56. Intrigue in a non-Smoking cell
Start reading: Who’s in jail think sartugai? Since the morning I was preparing to meet with my son. Every time he came to see me “on a date” in prison, I felt the rise of vital energy. My cellmates looked at me with envy, because no one came to the others, many did…
55. Spies in prison.
Start reading: New cellmate — vichevyi junkie. After an unpleasant meeting with a psychologist, I witnessed the conversation of my cellmates. “Lizok, is it true that you are in the area of his accomplices passed? How long were you in the zone, a month?”- asked lesbian Dasha. “I was there for two…
54. Sick cellmates.
Start reading: The first week in a non-Smoking cell or how to make friends with a warden. When you opened your booking longitudinal chamber No. 184, I saw the cursing of inmates Lisa-senior on camera and brand new. Lisa screamed: “Veronica, are you not friends with your head at all? You got…
53.Prison friendship.
Start reading: Prison jackals — midwives. There were no incidents in the non-Smoking cell for the first three days. The prisoner’s life was an ordinary series: at 6 am check, then Breakfast-Balanda, walk in the prison yard, cleaning the cell, lunch-Balanda, free time, evening check, dinner-Balanda and 22 hours lights out. The three…
52. A prison pack of activists.
Start reading: Where the road from the prison of purgatory? Composition of non-Smoking house №184. “Before you were brought to our hut, Vasilisa came and said that Lisa would be the eldest. You be careful with her, she’s a dark horse. She, Zhenya and Rimma were brought here a week ago. Jim and Rimma –…
51. The composition of non-Smoking house №184.
Start reading: Where the road from the prison of purgatory? 1.Natasha is a drug addict. Moved from cell 190. A drug addict with a lot of experience. She worked in a very prestigious restaurant, arrested in the workplace. The Department provided audio and video when she received a call from a “time-tested drug friend”…
50. From purgatory to the torture chamber.
Start reading: Return looking Diesel. At the hearing I came not slept – Diesel all night hysterical. When we have the whole camera sleeping, Dora Doronina put “the road”, and they are from a camera sent the moonshine. Diesel and Dasha got drunk on this surrogate, and decided that everyone in the cell…
49. The return of the senior cellmate.
Start reading in: Who is the customer of my workings. The next two days we waited for the return of Diesel. Among the inmates was a nervous situation. Between Dasha-doronila and prisoner in the house, always arise conflicts, which are the Dasha and provoked. Every time there was a scandal, she threatened to:…
48. Murderers in prison.
Start reading in: The seventh circle of purgatory, or someone in the house provocateur? Early in the morning I was taken to the prison sump to take to court. There was already one prisoner in the septic tank, who saw me and jumped to the far corner in fright. It was Jeanne-the Pink Panther…