On one of the forums for lawyers, ran into a question: “How to manipulate a judge?» Interesting gives you the answer, apparently, of “very experienced” lawyer: “Judges are also people and they have human weaknesses. Therefore, all of them, like us sinners, fall under the technique of NLP.» Think, that judges,…
пытки в суде
Психологические пытки в суде, так же ужасны для арестантов, как и физические в тюрьме. Дневник арестантки – как нелегко выжить в тюрьме и зоне.
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20. Chapiteau in court.
Start reading in: Who are we for the system, beasts or predatory fish? “Stand up! Court is coming!» The door opened near the Presidium of the court and a young man in a court robe came in. “Hello, sit down. The court received a criminal case…….”the judge began in a monotonous voice…