66. Last day in the red cell.

Beginning: Prayer will save you from prison gossip.

At seven in the morning I was followed by a convoy from the administrative building. I just woke up and I haven’t even washed yet.

   “Hurry up! Your boss is waiting.”the convoy said to me.

   “Seven o’clock? They say he’s resting in Turkey.”- surprised the killer Dasha.

   I was slow. I was afraid to go with this warden, who once took me to the investigation, when the investigator insulted and humiliated me. (Chaos on the investigation.)

“I don’t trust You, last time You tricked me into a cage and let the investigator humiliate me! If You come to our cell and repeat on video that the chief is waiting for me, I will go with You. You do know that the video camera sends the recording to the Board?”I said.

   The guard slammed his pocket and left. I was scared, and I exchanged glances with my fellow murderers.

   “Holy cow! Why did he just take off?”Shar asked in surprise.

   “What if he had to trick you into hiding in a basement cell with no Windows? Where they keep rapists and cannibals. My husband is being held there. When he goes to court, through a lawyer tells how he is being bullied. For several years, to him nor never checking not set foot. He doesn’t even have a camera number on his armor.”- even more frightened me Dasha.

   “Now that you know that the video camera is transmitting a signal to the Board. Then report your husband by looking at the video camera.”- I quietly advised Dasha.

   She jumped up in surprise on the rack and went to the camera, began to talk about the imprisonment and torture of her husband. When she said that he was being held in a cell without a number, the red button on the camera went out.

   “Turn off the light or the bulb burned out?”- he heard the voice of Tanya from the toilet room.

   “No light.”- confirmed the “Sher”.

   The bolts rattled and the reservation was opened. On the threshold stood the same guard, and beside him the guard Vasilisa.

   «Exit. Your boss is waiting.”the jailer said.

   The two of them escorted me to the administrative building. Our way was through the basement catacombs, and I waited all the way for one of them to attack. When the last door opened, I breathed a sigh of relief.

   “You won’t be afraid to come back with this convoy? I’ve got some business to attend to in the women’s corps.”- asked me the matron Vasilisa.

   “I won’t.”I answered her, bewildered.

   She turned and walked back through the terrible prison catacombs.

   “She is not afraid to walk alone in creepy basements? I asked myself out loud.

   “She’s not afraid of anything!”the unpleasant escort answered me.

   The guard took me to the office, where the warden was sitting at the table, looking at me with displeasure.

   I went and sat on a chair. The chief regarded me with undisguised hostility.

   “What are you in no camera can not find a common language?”- rude and he said to me.

   I clenched my fists, forcing myself not to respond to his provocations, because I knew that this meeting would be very important for me.

   Letting the sadness and suffering, looking at his iPhone turned on, turned on the “blonde»:

   “Citizen chief, please Do not keep me in the same cell with drug addicts and lesbians. You see, I’m not socially adapted to this class of people. You’ve helped me in prison more than once. Make sure these women don’t get caught in the same cell with me.”I turned to my boss in a pleading voice.

   The boss is pretty blurry in his chair.

   “I thought you were getting along well with the lesbians in the murder cell. he said laughing.

   I stared at him, wondering if he was joking.

   “Okay! You asking so some that I agree to put you in solitary confinement!”he said, and looked at his iPhone.

   I noticed that the phone was not turned on the recorder, and someone “hung on the call”, under the name “Bear.»

   “And You allow that I had a road in the camera?”- I asked.

   The boss rolled his eyes and looked at me like I was a stupid blonde.

   “If you’re quiet and behave properly, then allow it. You’re my Deputy have written statements on those “slut” who beat you?”he asked.

   «No. I didn’t write any applications. Looking forward to meeting with You to understand how I continue to live in prison.”I replied, in a low voice of a novice.

   Such my obedience, obviously flattered the chief. He looked me up and down brazenly, and nodded his head as if to say, “What did he find in her?” After what said:

   “Today I will allow to see the son, and that he already week a threshold upholsters. You better gently tell him about his condition so that he did not mangled wood and our friendship didn’t hurt. Today same and will transfer alone. Bruises on the face are not held, court leave is not allowed. Do you need any ointments?»

   “Yesterday Vasilisa through the paramedic gave ointment. Now there is. I replied.

   “Well, that’s good. Put them on, and quickly, and some want to see your beauty.”- laughing said the chief and again brazenly examined me from head to toe.

   “And who are ‘some’? I asked him.

   He smiled mysteriously at me and looked at the iPhone, said slyly:

   “Well, I for one. Or don’t you like men like me?»

   I knew he was teasing someone.

   “You look quite handsome. Caring and kind to the same. But I hear You’re married. I think such a man can’t have an unworthy wife and cheat on her! I answered him.

   The boss looked at me carefully and squinted. Then he winked slyly and declared:

   “And if I divorced an unworthy wife, would you consider me a candidate for your husband?»

   “Of course, in the future I would consider. But now my heart hurts from the betrayal of the last relationship, when my man could not save me from the current situation.”I answered sadly.

   “That heart was not ill, it is necessary to re-fall in love!”- the chief flirted with me.

   “You embarrass me. Imagine how I feel, all disfigured, and You mock me. Do you want me to cry now?”I asked, turning away from the boss.

   “All right, don’t cry. Magica ointments, tell Vasilisa what we need more drugs, I’ll do it. Only get better, and that Council require you report, why the court did not export. Your judge is concerned. By the way, is it true what they say the convoy of paddy wagons like you have with the judge hanky-panky?”- said the chief in a strict tone.

   “My God, what I only about itself not heard for this month! I’m a witch, I’m pregnant by You. I’m the wife of a Layman. And all that!”I replied indignantly.

   “Pregnant by me? And who says this and why so decided?”- happily asked the chief, rather squinting at the iPhone.

   “These rumors were spread in 184 cells. One of the recidivists who beat me, a friend of my investigator. Claimed that she with him one huckster drugs they bought, that’s why he’s from the area and pulled into the Central. I replied.

   The boss stopped smiling, became thoughtful and serious.

   “You can go and pack. Soon see you, wanting bruises heal!”the boss said in a strict tone.

   We got up at the same time, he was a bit taller than me. The boss looked at me again and said carefully:

   “Something you’re shunula. One bone. There’s nothing to hold on to. I’ll tell them to give you a heavy diet and milk.»

I feel a bit embarrassed and leaving the office with a light heart went after escort in the women’s corps of the prison.

   When we entered the building, from somewhere above we could hear voices and the sound of objects being thrown on the floor of the corridor.

   “Vasilisa shmon conducts on behalf of the chief.”said the guard followed me.

   Entering the chamber, I was greeted by a disturbed cellmate.

   “Well, what? Really the chief was?”asked Dasha.

   «Yeah. He said he’d be transferred alone. I’ll pack. And on the top floor Shmona go. So hide the restraints, just in case. I replied.

   “Don’t trust the boss! Me yesterday Vasilisa told, that you want to Diesel translate. Or on re-education to the Gypsy rose. Don’t agree to go, stay with us! Here you are under the video camera of the Council, safe!”Dasha said.

   “Really, stay with us! These days, we’re so used to!”- asked murderer “Sher.”

   “Who will alone bed sheets to wrap? You can’t!”- outraged killer Tanya.

   “Girls, you do not take offense. But I can’t go against the boss’s will. He’s the only one in prison I trust! I said loudly, looking at the blinking red button on the video camera.

   Has not passed also hour as the booking opened and said longitudinal:

   “To You on a date son came. How long does it take to get ready?»

   “I’m ready!”I answered, realizing that no concealer will not cover the bruises.

   Son me met very frightened, but when he saw me near the was in rage.

   “Everything is fine. The boss promised to transfer me to solitary confinement. But there is no need to report the incident. It’s over. The main thing is that I survived. They give me all the medicine.”I told my son, and the tears flowed in a stream.

   I was able to persuade my son not to complain. The allowed time for a date flew by like a second.

   “Today I will take another permit from the judge for a date. And I will come to you more often now. I’m not leaving town again while you’re in this prison.”my son said to me in the end.

   When I returned to the corps, I saw a group of guards led by Vasilisa coming to our cell. They waited until I went into the cell, then Vasilisa ordered us to:

   “Every take all their belongings, with a mattress and bags to continue!»

   I carried one bag out of the cell, the mattress helped me to take out “Shar”.

   When we move into the hallway, through the open door he saw the prisoners started to conduct a “shakedown”. None of the prohibitions were found.

   “In cell visit all, except You.”the matron announced, looking at me.

   As soon as the killers entered the cell, Vasilisa ordered me to follow her. I left all the things on the length and took only one bag, explaining to her:

   “I can’t lift heavy, my rib hurts. And only two days, stopped bleeding.»

   The warden ordered longitudinal, so she led vetch, who would have moved my things.

   We went up to the top floor of the women’s building, where four months ago I lived in cell 190. But we went to another corridor, where there was a camera Gypsy Rose. On the floor of the corridor lay things and different things after the shakedown.

   Staying near the camera under the number 195, Vasilisa told me unhappy and angry tone:

   “Put the cell in order. In it You will live alone. I’ll give you everything you need!»

   She opened the reservation, letting me and the goat man, who was carrying my things and the mattress behind me.

   Despite the dirt in the chamber, this chamber, if you paint the walls and replace the linoleum, could be considered a VIP! The camera itself was 2m by 5m in size, with one large window. On the right side of the entrance was fenced off shower room, behind her sink, table-Dorm with one bench, behind them one rack. On the left side: a fenced off toilet room with a normal toilet, then a two-tier rack and another single-tier. There were several shelves hanging on the walls, and a TV bracket above the sink.

   “I’ll get You a floor bucket, a MOP and a rag.”the matron said to me.

   I went to the window without glass and frame, which was good in hot July, the grille was narrow, and only one place was cut for the “road”.

   Opposite my window was the hospital floor, the men’s cells were located below the hospital. “How will they make way for me? I thought, frustrated.

   At this moment the window flew a pigeon, and walking on the windowsill, began to curlykat. I took a cookie out of my bag and started throwing it to him.

   “What’s your name? Me Moon. Now I’m the owner of this window. Come more often, I’ll feed you. I said to the pigeon.

   In seven and a half months in prison, I felt happy for the first time.

   Opened a pocket on the armor and the head of a young man.

   “How are You? Everything all right? Do you need anything? My name is Dima.”a good-looking warden asked.

   «Thank You. No need. I replied.

   “Move over, let me meet you too.”another male voice was heard.

   The warden Dima’s face disappeared and another handsome man appeared.

   “Hello! I’m Valera. Dimon and I will protect You now!”the second warden said cheerfully.

   “Are you out of your mind? What if the warden finds out what you’re up to?”- I heard the voice of the warden Vasilisa.

   After that your booking has opened and entered the cell the guard who brought me the old MOP and dirty bucket.

   “New all over. You wash this bucket and you can wash the floors from it. No rags, so that their clothes do. Yeah, and I’ll take the fan and the radio, they’re strangers. The chief asked me to convey that the road is not yet set. Stay away from the window. While you are being looked after by people from the Council, must comply with all the rules of the jail. And if you’re with someone through the window to shout, then go immediately to the camera to Diesel!”the matron said rudely.

   The matron went out, and I was left in a state of confusion.

   Under the armor I heard again some men’s voices. Someone was looking at me through the peephole on the armor.

   “Slender blonde. Face turns away.”I heard from behind the door.

   At Vespers the test went longitudinal Lavrov, accompanied by several guards. Everyone stared at me in surprise.

   “Tell the doctor to bring me some pain pills.»

   When the jailers came out of the cell, one of them said under the armor:

   “We need to tell the Bear that she is asking for pills.»

   “Are you going to pull him, for some reason? You want him in jail all the time? The boss won’t thank you for that!”- the voice of “Viktorovich”answered.

   And I thought thoughtfully: “Who are you, Bear?»

   Continue reading in the category: Single camera

Loner. First week in solitary confinement.

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7 thoughts on “66. Last day in the red cell.

  1. Юлия

    Давно искала подобное, спасибо очень интересно!

    • Arestantka

      Юлия, одобрен только один Ваш отзыв-комментарий – все Ваши комментарии идентичны, поэтому опубликован 1.
      Спасибо, что под каждой главой оставили свои положительные эмоции на рассказ арестантки.

  2. ясень

    так,порою едешь в автобусе или метро – и задумываешься, а ведь рядом может сидеть настоящий убийца

  3. хог

    Давайте помнить, что эти женщины, несмотря на свои прошлые ошибки, обладают потенциалом для роста и трансформации. Когда они сделают свои первые шаги к новому будущему, давайте предложим им поддержку, сострадание и возможности для реинтеграции в общество.

  4. Дарс

    Это забавная штука. В течение дня дух товарищества среди женщин становится ощутимым. Узы, сформировавшиеся в трудную минуту, становятся крепче благодаря общему знанию того, что их пути, возможно, никогда больше не пересекутся. Поощрение и поддержка заменяют напряженность и настороженность, которые часто пронизывают тюремную жизнь

  5. Elt

    🔹 Воздух в тюремной камере кажется тяжелым, но среди женщин царит неоспоримое чувство предвкушения. Некоторые, возможно, содержались взаперти в течение месяцев или лет, в то время как другие – гораздо дольше. Каждый из них несет в себе уникальную историю борьбы и стойкости.

  6. Истина

    Неожиданный поворот событий, ангелы хранят невиновных в тюрьмах

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