Suicide in prison.

 Everyone knows that suicide is a sin and the Church does not celebrate these murdered sinners. But what if these people became sinners not of their own free will, but were brought to suicide by the hands of jailers, investigators and judges?

   Suicide (suicide) in the women’s prison statistics are closed and carefully hidden by prison staff, but this fact exists!

   Psychiatrists claim that the suicide of prisoners is pseudo-suicidal, that is, committed in a state of passion and is not an attempt at suicide, but a “cry for help” to involve the public in solving problems in prison. Maybe the doctors are right.

   But the overwhelming number of suicide prisoners are absolutely mentally healthy! These women are not drug addicts and not to renounce the faith, they are even from wealthy families!

   These prisoners did not kill or steal anyone, they became “objectionable” to those who have connections with the authorities. Such women are tortured in a women’s prison, humiliated in court and thus driven to suicide.

  For some reason, no one says that bringing prisoners to suicide or attempted suicide is a crime under the CRIMINAL code of THE Russian Federation.

   Article 110 of the criminal code. Incitement to suicide 
 Bringing a person to suicide or attempted suicide by threats, ill-treatment or systematic humiliation of the human dignity of the victim –
shall be punished by forced labour for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to seven years or without it or by imprisonment for a term of two to six years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to seven years or without it.

The same act committed:
(a) in respect of a minor or a person known to the perpetrator to be in a helpless condition or to be materially or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator;

b) in respect of a woman who is known to be pregnant;

C) in respect of two or more persons;

d) by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group;

e) in a public statement, publicly displayed work, mass media or information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet”), –

shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to ten years or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years or without it.

   Why nobody to prisoners explains that they have the right to write statements on the “torturers” and to involve them according to Art. 110 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation?

   Perhaps after such mass statements will stop torture in prisons and camps?

   Perhaps after such statements stop “fake” convictions?

   Maybe it is time to intervene the Patriarch of the Church and claim to prevent the abuses that occur in prisons and courts?


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3 thoughts on “Suicide in prison.

  1. Артём

    Да страшно людям, поэтому и не пишут, а на мужской зоне это вообще западло по понятиям – жаловаться на кого либо, тем более катать заявы. Может к мужикам это и не относится, но вряд ли даже кто-то из них рискнёт подвести свою репутацию под вопрос. Кто рискнёт быть основоположником такого вот массового анти-прессингово движения? Да никто! Это могут быть только единичные случаи, когда человека довели уже до такого состояния, что ему уже на всё плевать абсолютно, но и то в таком состоянии он просто закончит с собой, а не будет там что-то писать на кого-то, потому что моральных сил на это дело совершенно не останется.

    • Arestantka

      Артём, многие образованные арестанты-мужчины отстаивают свои права! Их я бы даже назвала – мужественные арестанты!

  2. Факты.

    Петля времени закрутит в омут ада виновных до доведения до суицида!

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